If your school uses self-paced instruction, self-checking can help students and teachers. Students can identify and correct their own errors and the teacher saves time. But how do you help students maintain integrity?
David explains a simple method he uses to support students’ efforts at maintaining integrity. Whether you choose to use a smartphone like David does, or adapt a lower-tech approach, consider a random approach to integrity.
Travis Zook
5 years ago
I fully agree on the temptation students can have to compromise their integrity. It requires a lot of instruction and guidance at every age of a student to help them appreciate the importance of proper checking as a way to assure they are learning what is needed. It is however the responsibility of the teacher to insure the integrity of the student and their work. Are you not transferring the responsibility for integrity from one student to another? Students are very slow to report faults in one another to the teacher. When a student knows the reward or punishment to another student that will follow their evaluation I feel it puts undo pressure on that student.I believe we should find the best way to manage our time and energy in the classroom, but this isn’t a method I would feel comfortable with.
Mel Stoltzfus
5 years ago
This method doesn’t seem to be as personal as a long term relationship of checking each other’s work. It is just a random check by a random student. While it is true that some students wouldn’t report, it is also possible that you will get checked by that student who will report everything. It would seem to me that it is easier for most students to just follow the rules and do it right like they know they ought to.Possibly the randomizer app could just be used for spot checks that the teacher does. This would have similar benefits but take away the student to student relationship problems.