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Home » Lectures » Social Graces (Norwood Shank)
Most of a childs behavior is learned. He needs to be taught to be courteous and trained to be mannerly. What can we expect of a student and his social behavior? How can we guide him?
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The ability to express oneself well is an important life skill. Teachers have a wonderful opportunity to model good communication to students in both formal and informal interactions. In this…
Enjoy a family-oriented evening as two presenters alternate with stories that illustrate wisdom from various school disciplines–nature, history, human interst, etc.…
Studying quality literature influences how you live life from that day forward. You may gain knowledge, inspiration, warning, or motivation. Teachers can explore literary themes with students and…
Most of a childs behavior is learned. He needs to be taught to be courteous and trained to be mannerly. What can we expect of a student and his social behavior? How can we guide him?…
Most of a childs behavior is learned. He needs to be taught to be courteous and trained to be mannerly. What can we expect of a student and his social behavior? Mr. Horst gives practical ways to…
Math and science equip the student with understanding and skill to invent, plan, develop, and build. With today’s technology, this calls for discernment. Wisdom is seeking advice from others,…
Gaining wisdom begins with acquiring knowledge and understanding. Historical knowledge frees us from the tyranny of the past or the blindness of the present. As we value our past, we gain wisdom.…
Math and science equip the student with understanding and skill to invent, plan, develop, and build. With todays technology, this calls for discernment. Wisdom processes knowledge, acknowledging…
Oral communication is the ability to put knowledge into words. This talk looks at opportunities to cultivate this important life skill in the classroom with discussions, questions/answers, oral…
Enjoy a family-oriented evening as two presenters alternate with stories that illustrate wisdom from various school disciplines–nature, history, human interest, etc.…
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