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Home » Lectures » Teacher Generated Problems
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Anthony Hurst talks about the need for things like consistency, balance, diversity, and student connection, as well as some pitfalls, like expecting the worst or expecting perfection.
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In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Pete Peters shares stories from his thirty years of teaching relating his burden for students to grow up as true disciples of Christ. The…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Anthony Hurst talks about the need for things like consistency, balance, diversity, and student connection, as well as some pitfalls, like…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, John Troyer talks about how to be efficient and effective in everyday classroom matters like grading, Bible memory, class planning, and…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Howard Lichty talks about the advantages and disadvantages of being a male in the classroom. Along with the need for humility and authority,…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Glendon Strickler goes over some practical advice for keeping good relationships between teachers and parents, and for healing poor…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Jason Croutch discusses ways principals can do well at supporting teachers, such as helping with teacher-parent relationships, supporting new…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Glendon Strickler identifies numerous ways for teachers to shape the character of their students, such as establishing rapport, modeling…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Glendon Strickler begins by sharing his burden for the importance of retaining a distinctive Anabaptist Christianity in opposition to…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teachers Week 2010, Glendon Strickler shares many specific and creative tips for effective discipline. He discusses the purpose of discipline, examples of…
In this talk given at Faith Builders Teacher’s Week 2010, Howard Bean shares his own stories and ideas and also taps his audience for ideas on getting parents involved in children’s education. Many…
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