Over the past year, we have made some changes to the staff for The Dock. Chris Miller joined the team in Spring 2024, and we are considering additional responsibility for Chris. Our current roster includes:
Lucas Hilty, project chair
Kyler Martin, podcast host
Chris Miller, assistant
Jaran Miller, webmaster and video editor
Josh Nisley, content manager
Rosalie Beiler
Arlene Birt
Karen Birt
Chris Brode
Meghan Brubaker
Trent Clugston
Carolyn Martin
Kendra Martin
Deana Swanson
During Teachers Week, we promoted The Dock to attendees with a short presentation and with Dock-imprinted pens and mugs. As of Wed Nov 13 2024, our email list has grown to 1,008 subscribers.
We have begun a podcast for school leaders. Episodes consist of recordings from The Dock introduced with comments by the host, Kyler Martin. So far, six episodes have been released, with over one hundred people on average tuning in to each episode.
In 2023–2024, we added 44 blog posts, 8 videos, 96 audio sessions, and 58 documents.
Since July 1, we have added an additional 15 blog posts, 31 audio sessions, and 17 documents.
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