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Home » Series » FBEP Teachers’ Week » Teachers’ Week 2013
What defines a learning disability? How can a Christian school teacher work with the variety of learning capabilities present in the classroom when there is more than one grade to teach and no…
Every school has them. The ones the teachers and principal gets to know best. Here is practical help and perspective in relating to the ones who give us our profession.…
First grade is off to a good start. Now it is time to push on the finish line and end well. This talk focuses on the last half of first grade. We will discuss ideas and hints that will help keep the…
First grade started well gives students a good foundation for the rest of their school days. In this talk, we will focus on a good beginning. We will discuss what a first grader is, what a first…
The world today is overflowing with facts. Teachers are awash in them, and students are drowning in them. No one could possibly absorb them all, and most of them are not worth absorbing. This…
Sinkholes are disconcerting because we assume substantial foundations. We will consider how Jesus’ use of the Shema points to lived answers that adequately support the life of the teacher and school.…
Schedule, simplify, prioritize, organize, and set positive expectations. These and other habits help teachers teach and students learn in the classroom.…
Does this sound familiar? First-graders come eager and ready to learn. Middle schoolers refer to school as prison. Seniors are glad they survived. The teacher has power to make or break this pattern,…
The Bible and Jesus elevate storytelling to a critical practice in developing love for God. Following this lead, my goal is to equip listeners with the resources necessary for pursuing a vision of…
Teachers should teach with heart, bringing their experiences and thoughts into the classroom. This impacts students’ lives and helps prevent personal burnout. This clip is taken from Jeremy’s…
Who we are (being), what we think (beliefs), and what we do (behaviors) are interrelated and inseparable. The life of Jesus will anchor our wrestling with the kind of being, beliefs, and behaviors…
As a fisher of men, how far does your net reach? What happens if you catch a Barracuda? Can the Christian school be a tool for evangelism or the Christian teacher an evangelist?…
Regular and repeated activities imbed knowledge in the body, values in the heart, and beliefs in the mind. We will build on the example of Jesus to catalog practices that nurture love for God in the…
All those people it takes to make the school function properly. The team. Who said they are a team? What if they dont think like me? What if we dont have the same goals?…
Many items help make the difference between an efficient, profitable day and a mediocre one. It all begins with planning your day (or your year.) This talk includes a wide variety of items.…
We have all been given the same number of minutes and hours, no matter if we are a teacher of 5 or 25 students. Listen to ways teachers can best utilize their time both in class and out of class.…
This talk will introduce techniques to battle the age-old problem of unmotivated students in math class. You will hear stories from the history of math, applications of math to daily life, and…
Would you like to improve the ways that you relate to your students, particularly the troublemakers, those with mental blocks, or those with emotional issues? Topics include how to communicate with…
“Good, better, best, never let it rest until your good is better and your better, best!” In Christian schools mediocrity is the enemy of excellance!…
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