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Home » Lectures » Relating to the Local Community (Stephan Gingerich)
As a fisher of men, how far does your net reach? What happens if you catch a Barracuda? Can the Christian school be a tool for evangelism or the Christian teacher an evangelist?
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Teachers should teach with heart, bringing their experiences and thoughts into the classroom. This impacts students’ lives and helps prevent personal burnout. This clip is taken from Jeremy’s…
This talk will introduce techniques to battle the age-old problem of unmotivated students in math class. You will hear stories from the history of math, applications of math to daily life, and…
How do a teacher’s personal interests contribute to his/her teaching quality? Your delights communicate powerfully to students.…
Schedule, simplify, prioritize, organize, and set positive expectations. These and other habits help teachers teach and students learn in the classroom.…
What are the components for a successful English class? What are some common pitfalls students face? Mr. Troyer shares teaching tips and why teaching English has become one of his favorite classes.…
Regular and repeated activities imbed knowledge in the body, values in the heart, and beliefs in the mind. We will build on the example of Jesus to catalog practices that nurture love for God in the…
Would you like to improve the ways that you relate to your students, particularly the troublemakers, those with mental blocks, or those with emotional issues? Topics include how to communicate with…
First grade is off to a good start. Now it is time to push on the finish line and end well. This talk focuses on the last half of first grade. We will discuss ideas and hints that will help keep the…
We see only one side of the coin sitting in the desk in our classrooms. Listen and learn how you can extend your influence and change your corner of the world.…
Does this sound familiar? First-graders come eager and ready to learn. Middle schoolers refer to school as prison. Seniors are glad they survived. The teacher has power to make or break this pattern,…
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