mistake (məˈstāk) n. 1. an action, statement, or opinion that is incorrect, potentially causing unintended and possibly undesirable consequences 2. an inevitable and potentially valuable part of the teaching experience
Mistakes come in all shapes and sizes. Some occur in private without others ever knowing while other blunders may be fully public for all the world to see. At times, mistakes may amount to minor slip-ups with minimal consequences, yet others yield disastrous results with far-reaching, lasting repercussions. The reality is that, try as we might, we will err sooner or later. When it comes to teachers making mistakes in their classrooms, the challenge is to consider how we might pick up the pieces (figuratively or literally) and move on in a way that is best for us and the students.
Of all the potential sources of mistakes in my classroom, my gradebook has been one of the most consistent culprits. My school uses a web-based gradebook, which allows parents to review their child’s grades. I meticulously review my students’ grades with each new entry to ensure that everything is accurately maintained and updated regularly. Despite this attention to detail, I still discover miscalculations and errors. On a few occasions, I have even had a concerned parent reach out to ask about a suspicious grade—such as a student with a 1200% in math class. It is amazing what a misplaced zero can do for a child’s report card! Fixing this kind of error is usually straightforward and can even be a source of encouragement by knowing that parents are carefully monitoring their child’s academic progress.
I also remember a time when I taught a whole classroom of 2nd Graders how to write a lower-case cursive ‘j’ incorrectly. I realized the error that evening and fortunately had the opportunity to reteach the skill correctly the next day. However, as mentioned above, not all mistakes are as easily corrected. Others require much more grace to overcome and can bring a teacher far beyond the borders of their ‘comfort zone’.
A number of years ago, I had an experience at school where an error on my part resulted in a situation that was much less easily resolved than simply deleting a few mistyped digits. On that particular afternoon, my students were having a class in my room with another teacher while I worked on some other school-related tasks at my desk in the back of the room. There were a number of factors that coalesced that day into a perfect storm which crescendoed with me losing my temper. First of all, my students’ challenging behavior throughout the day leading up to that point had ‘pushed my buttons’, and I was feeling my patience had been pushed to its limits. Furthermore, I was in a period of my life as a young dad when I was not getting the sleep I needed to function well. As I worked at my desk, my students persisted in treating the other teacher with blatant disrespect, and I reacted in a manner that I thought was warranted at the time – I yelled. In fact, one might say I mustered my inner-drill sergeant to make sure (in no uncertain decibels) that each student in the room understood their behavior was unacceptable and that they had better get it under control, stat. Surely verbal intimidation would scare my wayward pupils into cheerful obedience!
However, the awkward silence that followed my sudden outburst was the first inclination that something was not quite right. It was not until the other teacher approached me after dismissal to debrief the situation that I became fully aware of the mistaken nature of my public display of anger. I thanked the teacher for speaking to me, and then I immediately put aside all wrathful responses from that time forward.
Please return to that last sentence and reread it with a hint of dry sarcasm as that is how it was meant to be interpreted.
I did thank the teacher for speaking with me, but inwardly the defensive thoughts were immediately activated. When standing face-to-face with such a publicly known error, it is easy to enter into a mindset that seeks to divert responsibility and to instead focus on all the things we did right. Following the situation described above, I wrestled for a number of weeks with thoughts such as:
If I could go back and give advice to myself, it might sound something like this – ‘Lay the excuses aside, and be open to what can be learned.’ Clearly there was a lesson to be learned from the mistake, but the temptation to participate in the unproductive cyclical thinking described above can be strong. Perhaps the field of teaching has brought a similar situation into your own life. If it has not, please be advised that it may be coming soon.
So how can we as teachers not only move on from our mistakes but also learn from them in ways that strengthen our practice and conform us more into the likeness of Christ? Consider some of the following tips:
As a teacher, you have been bestowed with an excellent opportunity to learn a variety of content far beyond the studying you may find yourself doing to ‘brush up’ on some content before teaching. A career in teaching is a training ground for a teacher to build skills in leadership, relationships, organization, planning, conflict resolution, and so much more. However, the key to this opportunity typically is only available to those who are able to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes.
Dimitrova, N. G., & Van Hooft, E. A. J. (2021). In the eye of the beholder: Leader error orientation, employee perception of leader, and employee work-related outcomes. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(4), 530-553.
Photo by George Becker: https://www.pexels.com/photo/1-1-3-text-on-black-chalkboard-374918/
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