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Home » Lectures » Education That Builds Character
What sort of parent and teacher must I be in order to form character in my children and students? Howard examines the personal qualities and practices of those who lead children in the steps of Jesus.
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What sort of parent and teacher must I be in order to form character in my children and students? Howard examines the personal qualities and practices of those who lead children in the steps of Jesus.…
Teaching children is first, says Howard, the responsibility of the parents. Howard probes our attitude towards children, and calls us to view children as a blessing, to lead them to Christ, and love…
Howard shares a profile of the developmental progress of young adults, and suggests methods for motivating and guiding young adults.…
Supporting the goals of the family should be a primary value of our education, says Brother Gish; parents, teachers, and ministers must work together in to care for the young people they are…
Melvin discusses the development of children between childhood and the teen years. Melvin urges parents and teachers to guide their children through the normal changes rather than leaving children to…
Tim outlines characteristics of children, highlighting the need for parents and teachers to be aware of their child’s capacities. Courtesy FBEP.…
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