We all have relationships. Relationships that are stable are built on the foundation of our relationship with God, our peace with God. Out of the priority of our relationship with God, we work toward peaceable relationships within ourselves and with other humans.
We all have relationships. Relationships that are stable are built on the foundation of our relationship with God, our peace with God. Out of the priority of our relationship with God, we work toward peaceable relationships within ourselves and with other humans.
Love is a commitment. Love seeks expression. Love is of God; it comes from Him and leads to Him.
God is truth and what He says is truth. As I walk with God, I learn to know my heart. When I am honest with God about what is going on inside me, He cleanses and changes what is unrighteous. An honest relationship with God enables me to walk in honesty with others.
Bringing people to peace is engaging in God's work. Some essentials for peacemakers are love (broken selfishness), communication, perspective, and a willingness to absorb injury in order to care for people.
We all have relationships. Relationships that are stable are built on the foundation of our relationship with God, our peace with God. Out of the priority of our relationship with God, we work toward peaceable relationships within ourselves and with other humans.
We all have relationships. Relationships that are stable are built on the foundation of our relationship with God, our peace with God. Out of the priority of our relationship with God, we work toward peaceable relationships within ourselves and with other humans.
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