Leland addresses the purity of youth in boy-girl relationships. Courtesy CASBI.
Leland addresses the purity of youth in boy-girl relationships. Courtesy CASBI.
Learning to work together and build vision through budgeting Courtesy CASBI.
How do we cultivate hearts of service in children for future business and missions? Gary urges school leaders to develop a vision for schools that raise committed citizens of the kingdom. Courtesy CASBI.
Leland addresses the purity of youth in boy-girl relationships. Courtesy CASBI.
When does apparent stability introduce change? When does apparent change offer stability? Courtesy CASBI.
Math is taught in all of our schools, but not many schools know the real reason for this. John gives a wholistic view of the importance of teaching math. Courtesy CASBI.
Budgeting is important to any establishment. Leland gives practical advice for beginning and experienced school budgeters. Courtesy CASBI.
Mark leads a workshop analyzing what school relationships should look like and discussing what undermines these relationships. Courtesy CASBI.
Lyndon draws lessons from the experiences of immigrants seeking to run schools according to their values. Courtesy CASBI.
For school board members, straight from the mouths of teachers. Courtesy CASBI.
Gerald emphasizes the important service schools provide the church and the necessary deep connection between the two. Courtesy CASBI.
Leland addresses the purity of youth in boy-girl relationships.
Courtesy CASBI.
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