In a 1998 teachers' workshop, Duane examines teaching principles for the elementary science classroom. Courtesy FBEP.

In a 1998 teachers' workshop, Duane examines teaching principles for the elementary science classroom. Courtesy FBEP.

Science can be used to teach a wide variety of life truths. John demonstrates the practical interest of the subject, and offers ideas for teaching science as well as general guidelines for effective teaching in any subject. Courtesy FBEP.

Real discipling calls for time, energy, and surrender - but it is the only way towards healthy communities. Milo describes a vision for mentoring others heart-to-heart and life on life. Courtesy FBEP.

Melvin urges teachers to enable their students to succeed by learning mathematical concepts, computation, and application. In a lengthy session laden with exercises in the subject, Melvin gives examples of teaching lessons from math texts. Courtesy FBEP.

In a 1998 teachers' workshop, Duane examines teaching principles for the elementary science classroom. Courtesy FBEP.

Teaching Elementary Science - The Dock for Learning

Teaching Elementary Science

In a 1998 teachers’ workshop, Duane examines teaching principles for the elementary science classroom.

Courtesy FBEP.


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