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Home » Lectures » Harmonious Home and Church Leadership (Elmer Glick)
Harmony in leadership and relationships comes from a wholesome view of authority. Elmer examines biblical principles that govern human relationships in the home and the church. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).
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Reading develops good writers, and good writers are needed to spread the gospel. Elmer urges parents and teachers to read to their children and inspire a love for reading. Courtesy Christian Light…
God’s word is a light to us, and we can access it through reading. In addition, good literature shapes us, says Lyndon. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
Pete has observed dozens of schools across North America. He shares some of the principles he has observed at work. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
Music, says Howard, reflects the culture that produces it. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
How do we receive correction? How do we give it? Pete calls us to a humble and gentle demeanor, even to those under us. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
With stories and illustrations, Howard urges his listeners to choose music by the principles of God. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
We ought to take a clear stand, says Harold, rather than allow problems to run amok. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
Harmony in leadership and relationships comes from a wholesome view of authority. Elmer examines biblical principles that govern human relationships in the home and the church. Courtesy Christian…
Howard draws principles from creation and the Scriptures to teach the importance of musical choices. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
The standard by which we make judgement, says Howard, is God. Music, then, can be discerned by understanding the character of God. Courtesy Christian Light Education (CLE).…
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