Other Character Needs (One or Two Responses)
accountability, assured, attentive, avoiding argument, awareness of others, caring, committed, compassionate, considerate, consistent, content, conviction, creative, critical thinking, depth, discerning, dyslexia, encouraging, engaged, filling a bucket, freedom from prejudice, generosity, gentle, global awareness, good sports, gratitude, guided by priorities, humble, imaginative, independent, keeps moving, listening to others, maturity, motivated, not complacent, not overly meticulous, not tattlers, not trying to run the classroom, one-on-one time, peacemaking, planning, pleasant, politeness, precise, punctual, reverent toward authority, secure, servant attitude, social graces, stable, study habits, submissive, trusting, trustworthy, values time, cheerful.
A teacher also noted dyslexia and sensory processing disorder as areas that affect some students.
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